Lou Puliafito State Senate

Louis Puliafito for New York State Senate District 28

Most of us want a fairer economy and society. Are most local incumbents just pushing the needle a little either way to insure that they don’t offend their major donors and get reelected. We need leaders that serve Us and not special interest.

Has New York City and State really changed in the past decade? I don’t think so. The critical issues that we are dealing with today should have been resolved long ago. But politicians have to pay homage to their political machines.

We need to elect trustworthy empathetic candidates that serve the public good.

I am one of those candidates.

We need to:

  • Enact Term Limits on all elected officials

  • Use Rank Choice Voting in all elections

  • Primaries will be open to all voters

  • Require Voter ID

  • Tighten ethical standards

  • Overhaul the MTA and all Public Benefit Corporations

  • Create a transparent financial system to track all government spending from start to end to determine if the spending was beneficial to the people or special interests

  • Streamline government offices to insure they run optimally and without redundancy

  • Implement common sense Bail Reform

  • Get Wall Street out of home ownership

  • Insure that corporations and ultra-wealthy individuals pay their fair share of taxes.

  • Increase the Minimum Wage to $25 per hour.

  • Increase Disability Benefits from $170 per week.

  • Take on the Health Insurers and Hospital Systems to lower premium and health costs

  • Improve the guidelines for patient care in hospital and nursing homes.


  • Block use for anyone under 18 years old

  • Scale-Down the algorithms that divide us

  • Social Media to pay News Outlets for distribution

  • Block collection of personal data

I was born and raised in New York City’s Yorkville. For over forty years, my wife and I have worked hard to help raise a family, and serve our local community. As a father, grandfather, longtime SEIU 32BJ member, Shop Steward, doorman, and porter, I am no stranger to the struggles of everyday life.

After graduating from LaGuardia Community College in 1984 with an Associates Degree in Applied Sciences with a 3.95 GPA, I interned at IBM, then manned the mail room at Merrill Lynch before having a successful career with New York Life for twenty years.

In that same time, I devoted myself to teaching a computer literacy course for homeless and underprivileged children, sponsored by my company’s charitable foundation. I continue to give back to my local community.

With the cornerstone of our democratic process under threat from forces both without and within, I know how crucial it is that we ensure every voice is counted in order for them to be heard. As a field operations supervisor during the 2010 U.S. Census, I took charge in order to secure this basic fundamental right for all Manhattanites on the Upper East Side. I’ll continue to be a strong advocate for greater election security. Allow only US citizens to vote in our elections.

I believe that “diverse opinions” create “doable solutions”.

I am disappointed and angry at our government, society, economy, and media. I worked my butt off for decades and for what? For most, our future is bleak with no hope in sight of a better future for our families especially our children and seniors.

Our leaders on both sides have sold out. Media is judged by the ‘clicks’. Our economy favors only the few. Our society has been distracted from our morals. We need experienced down-to-earth level-headed voices in government to push back against the unbridled greed, rampant corruption, and reckless mismanagement that’s left millions of our hard-working neighbors to fend for themselves while immigration policy strains state and local budgets. What is lost is the Constitutional right of a “Fair Shake”. This is why I am running for the New York State Senate District 28.

In Albany, I will fight to ensure that everyone gets their “Fair Shake”, that people come before profits, our State and Country are kept safe, and our environment is preserved and protected. This a team effort and its time for the corporations and billionaires to do their part so that everyone gets a “Fair Shake”. Its time to minimize the “Wackoo-Doodles” on both sides of the aisle. As a result our families, children, seniors, and local businesses will flourish and thrive.